Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Oh, Favoritism

I'm so glad to be able to say that I and my roommate are favorites of our landlord. It helps to be so whenever we run into any problems. Just goes to show that being nice pays off. We probably could have a pet if we wanted to, but I feel bad because I'm allergic and Kara really wants to have a pet. We should get a hedgehog and not be cliche and name it Sonic. That's not what English majors do. We come up with clever and classy names for our pets. I can honestly attribute my decision to be an English major. If we hadn't fused so well and become such good friends as we are, I don't know where I would be today. I can't wait to live with Kara again in two months!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


It seems that I always pick the coldest days to walk to campus rather than drive. Today I had to go to campus early to print something out, then to class, then on a computer immediately after to write a blog, and then I should have walked home. Instead I walked to Starbucks with my friend, where we met our other friend who drove. Then they were going to feed me vegan food for dinner, but they had to stop at the supermarket first. Well, the stop at the supermarket took about a half an hour, and we finally got on our merry way to their apartment to eat vegan food. By this time it was already 6 and I had to be to campus by a quarter to 7 for a meeting. So I wolfed down some wheat noodles with cabbage and we got in the car to drive to campus. My friend apparently doesn't know how to drive very well. I got to campus, not realizing I had all my groceries to carry along with my backpack from the day. I went up to the fourth floor of the building where no one else showed and waited with existing members at the meeting until 8. Then I had to walk home with my 20 pound backpack while carrying my groceries in the freezing cold without gloves. Good decisions I tend to make. Good decisions.


Well, today is my day off, not really. But I don't have class until 3:05 in the afternoon but I was forced to wake up at 8 because they were coming to fix my bathroom at 9. I woke up and got everything ready to make it look like I wasn't a huge slob and they didn't end up getting here until about quarter to 10. Then I was pissed, until I opened the door and saw the best looking man I've seen in a while holding power tools with a pencil behind his ear. I believe it was love at first sight, but I'm sure he just wants to fix my bathroom and get the hell out of here. They're saying it will take all day. How tragic...for them. I just get to sit back and do my homework while they all rip down my bathroom wall and put it back up again. What a day off this will be. I don't think I could be any more content than I am right now. Unless I was being fed grapes and didn't have any homework to do.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So here I am, sitting alone in my apartment, watching reruns of Roseanne without Kara, my other half. Boo hoo. Yes, I hang out with all my other friends, but the pipes are banging and I always recheck the deadbolt three times. And when I finally get to sleep, looking at the silver knife I keep on the night table, drunken bitches go streaking outside my window, screaming what they think is a clever parody to "Winter Wonderland". If the beds weren't pushed together, life would be a lot more interesting. Ireland is too far away to make pasta with or to do a radio show with or to have drunken escapades in the boonies with. Oh dear, whatever shall I do? For now, I'm procrastinating and getting my bathroom wall replaced, which is fine with me because the handy man is very easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean. And he told me it would take all day! What a tragedy. For now, I'm just counting the days and using up all my extra food, not eating meat, and indulging in vegan cuisine twice a week. Maybe the snow will keep me company tonight.